Graduation Celebration at Bursa Technical University

Bursa Technical University held its annual graduation recently (2023-2024 Academic Year). A total of 1,200 students received their diplomas and warmest congratulations. Rector Prof. Dr. Naci Çağlar stated that BTÜ graduates are very fortunate, saying, "You, our graduates, will get a head start in life thanks to the career development model we have implemented."

Bursa Governor Mahmut Demirtaş, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Mehmet Tözün Bingöl, Yıldırım Mayor Oktay Yılmaz, Osmangazi District Governor Ali Partal, Gürsu District Governor Naif Yavuz, AK Party Bursa Provincial President Davut Gürkan, Bursa Uludağ University Acting Rector Prof. Dr. Cafer Çiftçi, representatives from academic societies, business associations, NGOs, and their families attended the graduation ceremony held at Mimar Sinan Campus. In the opening speech, BTÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Naci Çağlar expressed his pride and excitement of nearly a thousand graduates. Rector Çağlar said, "Today we are all filled with pride. Because step by step, with meticulous effort, we have all contributed to reaching this day. We built today together."

"Türkiye's Century Will Be Stronger With You"

Rector Naci Çağlar emphasized that graduation day is a turning point for many young people, stating, "We are sending each of you off to new lives, new beginnings. You will contribute to the development of our country and the national technology initiative. We believe that the Century of Türkiye will be built even stronger with you. And we also believe that the justice and freedom the world awaits will come with  the Century of Türkiye you build."

"This Year Has Been Very Difficult for Our Palestinian Students"

Rector Çağlar reminded that nearly 1,500 guest students from 93 different countries are studying at BTÜ and that this year has been very difficult for Palestinian students. He said, "Among our students, there are those who have lost their relatives, those who have been injured, and those who have become homeless. A great genocide is taking place in Gaza. Israel is committing massacres indiscriminately, killing women, children, and innocents. Civilian residential areas, places of worship, hospitals, and even universities in Gaza are being ruthlessly bombed and destroyed by Israel. In the face of this human tragedy, university students around the world, including our own, have organized anti-Israel demonstrations. I would like to thank and congratulate our students and staff who have shown an honorable stance against Israel's oppression with the events they organized throughout the year. I hope peace will prevail soon."

"We Trust Our Graduates"

Rector Çağlar expressed confidence in BTÜ graduates, stating, "We trust you, our valuable graduates. Because you have been well-prepared for life with the knowledge, skills, and experience transfer you received at our university. Moreover, with the career development model we implemented, you gained first-hand experience by working full-time in the industry for a semester in your final year. Thanks to these advantages, more than 70% of our graduates are employed within the first six months. Many of our students even received job offers before graduating. With this experience, you, our valuable graduates, are starting life one step ahead of other graduates."

Advice from Rector Naci Çağlar

Rector Naci Çağlar emphasized the importance of staying in touch with graduates and concluded his speech with the following advice: "Integrate artificial intelligence into your profession and learn to use it very well. But only take inspiration from it and make sure you have the final say. Work in your professional life not only with knowledge and experience but also with ethical and social responsibility awareness. Let our traditions and national and spiritual values inspire you. Control and filter information you receive, manage your time well, because time is the only thing that cannot be replaced... Do not equate success with happiness. Learn to draw lessons from failures and gain experience. In your life journey and professional life, never stop being curious, and work diligently. May your path be clear, and may you be commended to God."

Governor Demirtaş: You Will Leave Türkiye's Mark on the Next Century

Congratulating all students who received their diplomas, Bursa Governor Mahmut Demirtaş said, "You have received a high-quality education from our university's pioneering and well-equipped academic staff. You have supported your academic education with social, cultural, and sports activities. Now it's time to turn your theoretical work into practice and advance in your career. From today onwards, you will reap the benefits of opportunities such as internships, career planning, entrepreneurship, and collaboration with foreign universities offered during your undergraduate studies at our university. Thanks to your personal development, you will always be one step ahead in every moment of life and in every level of the business world, and you will always be the first choice. Never stop improving yourself and keep up with the time on your career. You are the future of our country. You will be the architects of Türkiye's Century Vision, and you will leave Türkiye's mark on the next century."

Congratulations from Mayor Yılmaz

Yıldırım Mayor Oktay Yılmaz said, "Bursa Technical University is one of the greatest values of our Bursa and Yıldırım. In this context, we have witnessed the efforts of our students in many areas, including our 24-hour libraries and their achievements in TEKNOFEST competitions. This effort has increased our hopes for the future. Even if you put a full stop to your education life today, this graduation actually represents a new beginning. In the next process, you will continue to reshape yourself and our country, as well as the world, with what you have learned. Because the world and its inhabitants need the healing mind and spirit of our youth. I congratulate everyone who graduated today."

Plaques for the Top Achievers...

After the opening speeches, a plaque was presented to Onur Yaynık, a student of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Industrial Engineering Department, by Bursa Governor Mahmut Demirtaş and BTÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Naci Çağlar. Onur Yaynık expressed his gratitude and thanked everyone who contributed to his education, especially his family and teachers. The ceremony continued with the presentation of plaques to students who ranked in their faculties, and the graduating students took their places on the stage in groups. The 2024 Graduation Ceremony of Bursa Technical University concluded with 1,200 students from 25 departments of 4 faculties throwing their caps in the air.

30 July 2024